Friday, March 28, 2008

bounce bounce

More friends to bounce with.. Next time we will have to go and have a bounce on Abi and Emily's BIG trampoline. I don't think we will have any trouble fitting the four of us in there either..

Monday, March 17, 2008

pegs... eggs.. it all sounds the same!!

Today I was outside helping mum hang some clothes out to dry in the sun. Unfortunately we didn't have enough pegs so mum said that we would have to go inside and get some more pegs. So being the good little helper that I sometimes am, I ran inside straight to the fridge to pull out the container of eggs. CRASH!!! 12 eggs on the floor at my feet - how was I now going to carry the eggs outside to mum. With the crashing sound came mum and dad running to see what I had done. I was quite surprised when they both starting laughing.. You see, apparently mum wanted more pegs not eggs!!! Oh well, scrambed eggs for dinner.


Sunday, March 16, 2008

the school fete

We love it when the schools in our area have fetes’ There are so many fun things to do like face painting, crazy hair, visit the animals in the petting farm, play on the school equipment and eat sausages and snow cones. Unfortunately today was very very hot so we didn’t get to stay and play as long as we would have liked to.. Oh well, there will be many more days to come when I will be able to play in the school yard!!

Friday, March 14, 2008

the new additions

No we do not have any more new little brothers or sisters to blog about, today we are blogging about our new fish!! Last week Amelia and I had to say good bye to Strawberry and Goosebunps (our bunnies). Our bunnies have been great pets but unfortunately we hadn’t been looking after them as well as we should and mum just doesn’t have time anymore to clean out their house. So being the brave kids that we are we let them go to stay at another little girls house. However, we do now have our own fish tank and 4 fish! They sit up on the shelves in the play area so that Amelia and I can watch them swim around and feed them when they are hungry. . Being the owner of fish is fun..

Love Zach

Thursday, March 13, 2008

a sleep over

Here I am with my fairy suitcase all packed up and ready to go.. Tonight I am going to stay at Milla’s house for not one sleep over but two!!! I am so excited, I get to go to a teddy bear picnic with AJ’s school class and to watch Milla at circus on Saturday morning. Knowing Del I’m sure that there will be lots of photos of the fun things that we do so if you would like to read and see more about our adventures be sure to check Milla’s blog site

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Kinder friends

Today two of my kinder friends had birthday parties because they turned 4!! The first one was for Nicolas at a big play centre and traffic school. Even though only I was invited to the party, Dad, Zach and Nan & Pop came along to join in the fun. After a quick rest and wash at home it was then time to go to Jacqui’s fairy party. We all looked lovely in our fairy dresses and had lots and lots of fun playing fairy games and eating lots of fairy fun tastic food. Jacqui’s mum even painted our faces and guess what?? I won pass the parcel!! Parties are so much fun!! I wonder whose is next?

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Daddy's holidays

While Daddy is on holidays he gets to come to lots and lots of fun places with Amelia and I. Today he took us to this groovy new kids hair dressers that I discovered while looking at Henry's blog. I got to sit in a jeep and Amelia got to sit on a motorbike while we got our hair cut. Oh, and we got to watch Thomas the Tank Engine as well!!! When we got home I think that mum was a bit surprised by how short my hair now is. However, I think that she was also a little relieved that it isn't quite as short as daddy's..

So, what do you think of my new look??

Zach x

Saturday, March 01, 2008

bounce bounce bounce

I LOVE it when friends come to visit and play on the trampoline with me.. Today Alex and his mum, Amanda, came over to meet Chase and to play with Zach and me. Amanda even came into the trampoline with Alex and I. I wonder when my mum will come in for a bounce??? She told me that she wasn't able to while Chase was in her tummy but now that he is out I think that she should have a go don't you???

Love Amelia x