Saturday, January 31, 2009

now that I'm 3

Imagine all the fun that I can have now that I'm three. The fun started with my party and a chance to catch up with all my (and Amelia's big friends) before the craziness of the school and kinder year starts. Since party day was going to be hot we decided to set up my Bob pool so we could have a little splash if we got too hot. It did get hot but with the pool, cold sausage rolls and some icy poles everyone survived the heat. Thanks to everyone for coming to my party and for the presents. Now only a few more sleeps until I start big boy kinder!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Thursday, January 22, 2009

bath time

I know that I'm not yet that big but surely I deserve a bigger bath than this bucket?? oh well I guess that I'm doing my bit to save water...

Monday, January 19, 2009

little people

We do love our little brother and our niece, Asha, but sometimes it makes it a little difficult to do some things. That's why Izabella, Eloise and us snuck off to mum and dad's ensuite to play with the Diego cards. It was much quieter in there!!

Friday, January 16, 2009


Have I told you how much I LOVE tomatoes???? I love them so much that my dad made me a veggie patch and helped me to plant some little tomato seeds. He promised that they would grow into bigger plants and that shortly after that little tomoatoes would appear.. Well the tomatoes are here but very very green.. I do love tomatoes but not enough to eat green ones.. I hope that they go red soon....

Thursday, January 01, 2009

mum's birthday

we love our mum... when given the choice of where to go for her birthday do you know where she chose??? Healesville Sanctuary! There were so many things to see and do at Healesville but our favourite thing (along with many other peoples we're sure) is the Birds of Prey show. The big eagles flew right above our heads showing us all their beautiful wings and big claw like feet. One thing that is so not good about Healesville is the birds that walk around trying to steal everyones food. We even had to sit on top of the picnic table to eat our lunch and at times we all had to squash onto the pram to get away from them. However, Healesville was fun and a recommended visit for those of you who have not been.

Love Amelia, Zach and Chase