Today I was outside helping mum hang some clothes out to dry in the sun. Unfortunately we didn't have enough pegs so mum said that we would have to go inside and get some more pegs. So being the good little helper that I sometimes am, I ran inside straight to the fridge to pull out the container of eggs. CRASH!!! 12 eggs on the floor at my feet - how was I now going to carry the eggs outside to mum. With the crashing sound came mum and dad running to see what I had done. I was quite surprised when they both starting laughing.. You see, apparently mum wanted more pegs not eggs!!! Oh well, scrambed eggs for dinner.
Hi Zach. I heard your Mummy had just mopped the floor so you could have eaten your scramled eggs straight away but Nan and Pop do like their eggs cooked first. If you had have known Nan did leave some extra plastic pegs on the bench for you to use. Oh well, maybe next time. Lots of love from Pop and Nan.
too funny!
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