Thursday, December 28, 2006

bang bang bang

I forgot that mum took some footage of us playing with the new toy from Nanny..It's not great footage; for some reason mum had the camera up the wrong way ?? But, Mum said that posting this footage on the blog will make everyone understand why it is ok for the toy to stay at Nannys house.

Love Amelia x

so this is christmas

After waiting patiently for soooo very long and after all of our visitors had gone home it was finally time to put the santa key out as well as the milk and cookies. In fact we were both soooo excited that we couldn't sleep and spent most of the night tucked up in bed with mum and dad!

When we woke on Monday morning the door to our back room was closed. We thought that Santa must have closed it so that he didn't wake us.. When we finally convinced mum and dad that it was time to get up and open the door we found lots of things inside and outside of our santa sacks. Then there were also all of the presents that had been sitting under the christmas tree waiting to be opened. Thank you to everyone for our presents; we love them all!!!

After a quick breakfast and packing all of the new toys into the car we headed to Ballarat and arrived just in time for a very yummy lunch at Nannys. After lunch it was of course time to swap presents and everyone was surprised how quickly we got through the pile! Just when we thought that all the presents were finished Nanny pulled out another BIG one and told us that it was a present for us as well as Bella & Eloise to stay at her house. Once the present was opened both mum and dad said that the present could definitely stay at Nanny's.. Let's say that it was a very musical christmas!!!!

p.s. yes it was almost snowing in Ballarat !!!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Go karting!!!!!!

What a week I have had... I have been so very busy that I even forgot to blog! Last Thursday mum picked up my Aunty Shannon up from the airport very very early. After I woke up (in mum's bed) I found Aunty Shannon in MY BED! After spending 2 days with us we then drove Aunty Shannon back to Ballarat. While there we had lunch with Nanny and Poppy and then went to see Aunty Mick, Bella & Eloise. Since we all hadn't seen Aunty Shannon for so long Bella decided to show her how she can drive the go kart. It was so much fun driving around with Bella that I then decided to have a drive. Aunty Mick and Bella helped me with the steering but Aunty Mick did say that I was good on the accelerator. Mum looked a bit nervous while I was driving but I think that after watching how responsible Bella and I both were she will let me have another go next time.

After saying goodbye to everyone we headed home and weren't home for very long before some more visitors arrived - Nan & Pop. Nan & Pop stayed for only one night as they also had to visit Uncle Steve and then Aunty Samm before going home. It was good to see Nan & Pop again, I hope that they come back again really soon.

Then on Monday, my Nanny and Aunty Shannon came back to my house because Mum, Dad and Aunty Shannon went to a concert - someone called Robbie ?? Anyway, it meant that Nanny looked after Zachie and me.. Mum & Dad went out again on Tuesday night for Dad's work christmas dinner. This night Zachie and I had 3 babysitters - Nanny, Aunty Shannon and Dan!!! Christmas sure is fun!


p.s. take a look at my driving.. It was FUN!
p.s.s. that's aunty mick's bottom that you can see on your screen... he he

It's hot

It's hot, I can't sleep, my gums hurt, I'm thristy and I'm tired.. This is what I would tell my mummy if I could say all of these words. However, when I do get to sleep I only have 4 more sleeps until Christmas. I'm not exactly sure what christmas is yet or what it means but Amelia seems to be pretty exicted so I guess that I will be too.

Love Zach x

Monday, December 11, 2006

christmas in the city

Today my daddy stayed home from work. Because we were all home mum had a brillant idea. Let's all go into the city and have a look at the special christmas displays at Myer and David Jones. Unfortunately for us half of Melbourne had the same idea as mum and there were way too many people lining up to see Santa so after a look at the decorations and toys, a little shopping and a cino we headed to "the burbs". Here I was able to get within touching distance of Santa without lining up (yes I actually talked to him without screaming and discovered that he is a nice person...) and he even gave me some special stickers to bring home. I like Santa.

Amelia x

the christmas spirit

After a really HOT weekend (outside temp 40 degrees, inside temp 30 degrees)we decided to head to Coburg Lake on Sunday night to listen to some christmas carols. There were lots of people there but we somehow managed to secure a little piece of grass for our blanket quite close to the stage where we could sing, dance and eat biscuits and donuts.. I didn't see Santa at the carols but I did see the next best thing - Dorothy the Dinosaur!!! Happy Christmas everyone.

Amelia x

Monday, December 04, 2006

Sunday, December 03, 2006

it's beginning to look a lot like christmas!

On Saturday we had a very important task to do.. Shop for a christmas tree and some decorations AND once we got home the even more important task of putting the tree together and the decorations on.. We both had sooooo much fun decorating the tree. We even found our Santa bags and have put them out under the tree already.. We wonder if there will be anything in there when we wake up tomorrow??

Amelia & Zach x

happy birthday emily

Yes, another birthday party, this time for my friend, Emily. I didn't think that we were going to make it to Emily's party because our car had a flat tyre but luckily my daddy came home early to fix it and so off we went. Everyone had heaps of fun playing at Emily's house, eating ice-cream cake (as well as cupcakes!!) and driving the cars while Emily's daddy pushed.

I wonder whose birthday party will be next ??
