Sunday, January 13, 2008

we love christmas

Has it really been 4 weeks since christmas?? We have been so busy playing with all of our new toys that we completely forgot to post some photos for you all to see... On waking on christmas morning we discovered that Santa had eaten his biscuits and drunk his milk and that he had stuffed our Santa bags with so many things that they were almost bursting at the seams. Then we discovered that the reindeers chewed the carrots that we left for them with their mouths open and as a result left a little trail for us to follow. Look at what the trail led to.....

After some big jumping we discovered more presents under the tree left for us by Aunty Shannon, Nan & Pop and Becky & Jessica. Finally with everything unwrapped it was time to get ready and drive to Nanny & Poppy's house for a yummy christmas lunch. After lunch guess what we did??? Open MORE presents.

Thank you for everyone for the lovely presents. we hope that you all had a great christmas. Love Amelia & Zachary

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amelia and Zach, we all love Christmas with the Christmas tree and decorations and jummy food and lots of lollies and ice cream and all that stuff. Glad you enjoyed because we know all our family did. Pop and Nan.