So, where to start. Last time we blogged was at the end of September 09 holidays!! Sit back, relax and enjoy the many pics that this particular post may become as we aim to bring you up to date..
Amelia's 6th birthday - a day with cousins playing party games and decorating cakes followed by a small party at home with new school friends and friends that have been friends forever..
Next a family reunion at Roses Gap. A chance to see some wild life (no we're not talking about the relatives), to stay up late and to sleep overnight in a cabin!
oops. stuck in a tight spot!!
Halloween - dress up day at school as well as a scary 6th birthday party in the park!
Haircuts (much needed haircuts!) Before and after shots included below (can you see any difference???) -
Another dress up day at school for cup day
Finally, a day that we had been planning for for what seemed like forever.. The big garage sale! the day started off rather cold and gloomy but we forged ahead and sold most things, including Jacqui's & Thomas's old kitchen sink!
With the "silly season" fast appraoching there were ballet concerts, kinder concerts, birthday parties and tree decorating to be done. Also, as we were heading to NSW for christmas an early christmas celebration was had with the Ballarat folk, including the opening of presents!
December 7, 2009 a big day for Zachary - his first Wiggles concert. Not only a concert but also a train ride into the city and back, a play in the park with Kit, a dance in the mosh pit to some of his favourite Wiggles songs AND an ice-cream stop on the way home..
An Ulladulla christmas. After spending the whole day in the car to reach our destination a lot of fun was had by all. Way too many photos to pick favourites so enjoy the slide show..
I was wondering when you guys where going to start your blog again.... Shannon
It sure is hard work keeping up to date with this whole blogging thing. We are about 2 months behind and trying to play catch up and it is taking forever.
I think I would much rather just come over and play!
Love Princess George
Good to see what you've been up to. Can't believe how much the kids are like the two of you though - genetics, can't fight it I suppose!
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
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