Saturday, December 06, 2008

party season

Some say that December is the silly season.. For us it's the party season!! On Friday we headed to the traffic school for Alex's 5th birthday. There were lots of roads for us to ride around on, trams, trains and even traffic lights. Unfortunately while we were there my bike broke!!! For no reason at all the front wheel bent and broke. Luckily for me there were some cool Harley like trikes there that I was able to ride very very fast on..

The following day was Emily's 5th cooking party. After putting on our aprons and hats we all mixed, rolled and flattened out our dough to make gingerbread ladies. Then after a birthday feast it was time to decorate some cup cakes before gathering together all of our treats and heading home. Cooking parties are fun, I'm already working on mum to see if she will let me have my next party there???

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