Tuesday, January 22, 2008

a wiggly hair cut

While in Ballarat for the weekend Mum decided that it was about time for another haircut.. After enjoying a cino we dropped into this really cool place called "Cool Cuts 4 Kids". Mum thought that I may have liked to sit on her knee while getting my hair cut but I proved her wrong. Mum was so amazed that I sat still the whole time but what else would I do when there is a Wiggles DVD for me to watch? Also, I did happen to spot the huge container of lolly pops under the counter when I walked in and thought that if I did sit still I might get one.. I think that I will ask Mum for another hair cut when we visit Nanny again in Ballarat.

Love Zachary

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well , who is the lucky boy, not only a great hair cut but watching a DV at the same time. Zach, did you get a jelly bean for sitting still? I missed out too. Pop.