Wednesday, August 23, 2006

my stuff ????

As a second child I often find myself wondering " Is anything just mine?" I LOVE my big sister Amelia very very much but as you can see, sometimes she even climbs into my bed to play with my toys.. She is lucky that I love her so much and that I like sharing my things with her. I wonder whether she will like sharing her things with me when I get bigger and are able to reach her things myself ????


Anonymous said...

Zac I think that Amelia will share her toys I hope not her dolls though. Love u Aunty Shan. xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Zac, you Nan and Pop are second children and we always have lots of fun. You will too. It is good fun to share. N & P. XOXO

kings on the lake said...

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtime will tell but we are sure he will also share.