Saturday, July 01, 2006

Food !!

Today I had a brand new experience - FOOD !!! After my lunch and a little play under my gym I got to sit up at the big table. I thought that this was a little strange as I really only sit up at the big table when I am grumpy and need a cuddle but today was a special day. While sitting on dad's knee I got to taste some goey white stuff called rice cereal and I am proud to say that most of it actually made it to my tummy! Hmmm, maybe if I am good and sleep all night again tonight I will get to have some more cereal tomorrow.....


Anonymous said...

Good to see our young man is taking after his Pop and his Dad in enjoying FOOD. Especially his Pop. As a matter of fact he looks like his Pop. Sad isn't it.
We love all this Blog stuff. It really keeps us up to date. Zac, please tell Your Mum and Dad to keep sending photos too.
Nan and Pop Bryant.

Turning Japanese said...

Mmmm, yummy.